

SVG is a widely used format for creating and displaying two-dimensional vector graphics. To manipulate and edit SVG files efficiently, a specialized tool like an SVG Viewer Editor is invaluable. The SVG Editor/Viewer Online will help you view the SVG code and preview what's the code will display.

Scalable Vector Graphics based on XML, is an open-standard vector graphics file format and Web development language created by the W3C, and has been designed to be compatible with other W3C standards such as DOM, CSS, XML, XSLT, XSL, SMIL, HTML, and XHTML.


Viewing SVG Files: The primary purpose of an SVG Viewer Editor is to allow users to view SVG files with ease.

Editing SVG Files: SVG Viewer Editors also serve as powerful editing tools. Users can modify and manipulate SVG files, making adjustments to shapes, colors, text, and more. This is particularly useful for graphic designers, web developers, and anyone working with vector graphics.

Debugging: For web developers, SVG Viewer Editor can help debug SVG code. They enable users to identify issues or errors in the code, ensuring that the graphics render correctly on websites and applications.

Working Process:

Importing SVG Files: Users can import SVG files into the tool either by uploading them or opening existing files.

Viewing and Navigating: The tool displays the SVG graphic, allowing users to zoom in and out, pan, and navigate through the canvas. This is crucial for inspecting intricate details of the graphic.

Editing Features: Users can access a wide range of editing features. These may include options to add, delete, or modify shapes and text, change colors, adjust opacity, apply filters, and more.

Code Editing: SVG Viewer Editor provide a code editor, enabling users to edit the underlying SVG markup directly. This is particularly useful for those comfortable with SVG code.

Storing or Saving: Once the necessary edits have been made, users can save the modified SVG file or export it to other image formats.

Example Code

<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 30 30" width="30px" height="30px">
  <path d="M 6 4 C 4.895 4 4 4.895 4 6 L 4 24 C 4 25.105 4.895 26 6 26 L 24 26 C 25.105 26 26 25.105 26 24 L 26 6 C 26 4.895 25.105 4 24 4 L 6 4 z M 8.6484375 9 L 13.259766 9 L 15.951172 12.847656 L 19.28125 9 L 20.732422 9 L 16.603516 13.78125 L 21.654297 21 L 17.042969 21 L 14.056641 16.730469 L 10.369141 21 L 8.8945312 21 L 13.400391 15.794922 L 8.6484375 9 z M 10.878906 10.183594 L 17.632812 19.810547 L 19.421875 19.810547 L 12.666016 10.183594 L 10.878906 10.183594 z" />

In conclusion, SVG Viewer Editor is invaluable tool for working with SVG files. It provide the means to view, edit, and manipulate scalable vector graphics efficiently, offering advantages like scalability preservation, efficient editing, error detection, and more. Whether you're a graphic designer, web developer, or simply working with vector graphics, an SVG Viewer Editor is significantly enhance your workflow.

Published Date: 25-01-2021
Updated Date: 05-11-2023
Developer: Ovdss Internal