Type a value in any of the fields to convert between speed measurements.

Speed converter is an online tool which converts the speed & velocity units e.g (m/sec),(ft/min, sec), Kilometer, Knot, Mile & Speed of light.

MPH Miles per hour is an imperial and United States customary unit of speed expressing the number of statute miles covered in one hour.
KPH The kilometre per hour is a unit of speed, expressing the number of kilometres travelled in one hour.
Knots The knot is a unit of speed equal to one nautical mile per hour, exactly 1.852 km/h.
Mach Mach numbers reflect the plane's speed relative to the speed of sound in the medium it's moving through. Mach 1 means it's going the speed of sound in that particular medium.

Policy for Use of Online Speed Converter

1. All the data is safe and secure
2. Ovdss is never responsible to any unwanted activity make by user.
3. Adhere to all local, state, and federal laws while using the tool.
4. Engage respectfully with other users; no harassment, bullying, or hate speech.
5. Respect copyright and intellectual property rights; do not share unauthorized content.
6. Report any bugs, violations, or inappropriate behavior using the feedback option in this page.
7. Contributions (reviews, comments, etc.) should be honest and constructive.
8. Ensure your device meets this tool minimum requirements for optimal performance.
9. Respect and protect the privacy of other users; do not share personal information without consent.
10. Minors or people below 13 years old are not allowed to use this tool.
11. Restriction on using this tool in violation of applicable laws and regulations, or in any manner that may cause harm to any person, or any business entity.
These points help in creating a safe, respectful, and efficient environment for all users of the tool.

Published Date: 28-06-2020
Updated Date: 13-06-2024
Developer: Ovdss Internal
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